Mrs. Regueiro's Plate: Our House...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our House...

We're set to close escrow in less than 20 days...I'm slowly getting excited about everything. We just did the house inspection, and we were there just watching everything get taken care of. Eric took lots of pics of everything, he's going to be my "Tool Time" man...fixing everything for me...he's so thoughtful to think about all the little details. I'll admit I'm a space case on these ideas...but wow, he surprises me sometimes. He told me today that he wanted to make sure I was happy that we're going to be living in our house...all I'm worried about is living there, and he's worried about making me happy there...can't wait to start living our american dream as homeowners!!!
Here's our master bedroom.

My future home for my herb garden...cilantro, basil, rosemary, thyme and sage..maybe even some mint. I'll need it for some mojitos!!!
Here's our kitchen, it will be a work in progress.

The kitchen island will be here in the middle, so I can have my counter space. We're trying to put a butcher block of oak in the center here...I can't wait to have the island!!! yipee!
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