Mrs. Regueiro's Plate: Pico de Gallo

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pico de Gallo

Eric & I made some bacon-wrapped hot dogs inspired by the LA hot dog carts. I forget why Eric and his best friend, Adrian, went up to LA. But after that day, all they could talk about was the most amazing bacon-wrapped hot dog that they had from the street vendors. On top of the lovely bacon-wrapped hot dogs was Pico de gallo. Simple enough to make but everyone has their version, here's ours. It's perfect with tortilla chips, and bacon-wrapped hot dogs. Who needs ketchup when you have pico de gallo?

Pico de Gallo
Adapted from the world
4 Roma Tomatoes, diced
1 Medium white Onion, diced
2 whole Jalapeno Peppers, roasted
1 bunch of Cilantro, chopped finely
Lime Juice, from 1 or 2 limes
Lime zest
Salt & Pepper
1. Dice tomatoes, cilantro and onions into equal pieces.
2. Roast the jalapeno, let it rest in bowl or ziplock baggie and dice finely and remove seeds. **If you want more spice, keep the seeds in.**
3. Place all of these ingredients together in a bowl and mix well. Add the lime zest from one lime and squeeze the juice of one lime into the bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix well.

Review: It's a very citrusy and tasty pico de gallo recipe, but that's how we like it.
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